Monday, April 18, 2011

Airplanes by Local Natives

I dont know why i like this video so much. I've watched it a few times now. Nd subscribed to him.

                                                          That is all. BYEEEEEEE

Saturday, April 16, 2011


he's the 7th doctor so that's how that makes sense.


^ watching the notebook

ANYWAY! back to 7 days. 7 days until series 6. HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP! Maybe that's what I'll do today. I'll watch doctor who until my eyes bleed. that might be absolutely necessary. (not the eye bleeding part maybe). WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll leave you with this:

music: THE DOCTOR WHO THEME SONG (I'm honestly surprised it has taken me this long to use this)

mixpod is being a bitch.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

if nothing ventured nothing learned

song: the next time around by little joy

helloooo this is really late.....sorry, MOVING ON!

1. I love paul dano!

2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is my new favorite movie
it was the most fantastic thing ever ever ever ever ever ever ever 
the time warp!
my mom said she had to do the time warp to audition for a waitress job in a casino in lv when she was younger hahaha
weirdly enough I find him sort of attractive...?
3. Philip! Scottish! Funny! Youtube! 

5. i have this weird obsession with gypsies right now..


i don't even know why?

p.s. the music thing is being stupid
so here's the song

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Victoria: La Blogotheque

So i got a new computer!!!!! finally!!!!

my old one was just very very very sad.....

but my new one is very very very happy!

ANNNDDD i just realized that it has a webcam! i didn't even know that until i started making this post!ANYSWAY. today i have a dance competition and thought i would blog before i left.  I'm also 17 now. isnt that exciting? and i can finally drive! yay!

So i'm kind of obsessed with zack condon from Beirut. His voice just makes me melt and stuff.

lately i've been watching a lot of the old lablogotheque videos on youtube. if you aren't subscribed to it you really should! They are a french channel on youtube and they do these things called takeaway shows with differeent artists. this one above is beirut but they have done a bunch from my favorite artists like priscilla ahn, noah and the whale, johnny flynn, the kooks, mumford and sons,the morning benders, arcade fire, villagers, and other people like andrew bird (his is really good!) and sufjan and stuff. its a really good place to discover new artists. Thats how i found one of my favorite bands villagers (as shown as my computer wallpaper above)

here are some of my favorite ones just to give you an idea.... but seriously you should go check out the other ones:

I love how old this one is (2006)

(I couldn't find the video from the actual channel but its still by lablogothequeand its johnny flynn so i had to post it)

(mumford and sons and johnny flynn!!!)

last one.... maybe just one more cuz this ones my favorite...

sorry for the video overlaoad but i couldn't pcick the ones i liked the most!!! there is also themorning benders one and noah and the whale and all these other ones!!!!!!!!!

anyway last part.
MUSIC: The Pact by Villagers