Sunday, September 26, 2010
VICTORIA: Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Friday, September 24, 2010
Eden -- bleh on mold.
But don't really. Because then you'd have puke and mold. Ew.
SO! I feel as though I should update you people on this, carpet has flooded and I have to pack up all the sh*t in my room and basically move out of it for two weeks... so I guess I'm sleeping out in the living room for two more weeks.... bleh. but don't really.
At the moment I kind of feel like my life is spiraling out of my control. Which is impossible because we control our lives and how we feel about them and the decisions we make and other such sh*t.
EASY A!!!!
amarzin movie. really enjoyed it. want it when it comes out on dvd.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
I thought that was an amusing comic...soooooooo yeah :D
Music - Guess I'm Doing Fine by Beck. Amazing song, makes me really like... thoughtful and brood-ish... yeah.... that was supposed to sound smart.... fail... and yeah I like listening to mellow songs.................
bye I guess....
OH WAIT!!! at the moment I'm doing this (I know, I know I'm pathetic). Of course I don't know what it does virus or cookie-wise... it's just rather amusing and I've been doing this for hours. I need a life. Or a hobby. Or a hobbit.
Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh no. I can't get the blog to get this out of the big font
So I'm just gonna end this.... goooooodbyyye
gossip girl time
oh I'm pathetic
pathetically awesome!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
VICTORIA: I'm not tryina say that everybody wants to go....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Eden -- DOCTOR WHO!!!!
I am a whovian. I'd tell you more about my life but since about Friday I've been watching Doctor Who non-stop. So forgive me for this tangent, but it will be about doctor who.
SO THEN! I started watching on Friday and have so far made it to Season 4 Episode 8 of the newer series... not the one from the 70's. I suggest that everyone watch it, though I know most won't listen to me, it's a great series. Especially if you like sci fi. And I love sci fi.
The Tardis
I think this picture is epic....
I miss Rose so much I want to cry.
That's pretty much all I've to say. Other than I will be writing a book (hopefully... if it ever gets started) about time travel and sci fi stuff. Should be loads of fun :D
Music - Creep by Radiohead
I could go on a tangent about that song and why I love it so much, but I'll save that for next time... mainly because I need to watch Doctor Who and do homework.
Friday, September 10, 2010
RHIANNON:London here we come!....in 2 years

So! A lot has been going on lately because school has officially started! blehhh. I don't really have any interesting classes....all I have is english, chemistry, math, french 3, history, and photography (but I'm switching into marine bio). Anyways, not really interesting.And I don't have any classes with any of the nicknamed people :( But yesterday we went to our schools first football game and it was fun! I bought starburst and a sprite hehehehe and we talked and didn't watch the game like...at all. And then we talked about dance moves with two random guys. and then we went to the other side where the other peoples team were and we sat there for awhile.....it was more fun than it sounds okay!?! So yeah we did that and then today I saw bellagio! Which is the foreign exchange student in victorias class. And we sat at the table next to his,quite creepy I know. And on monday, we are going to talk to him no matter what!

- being with friends and not parents! (no offense mom)
- its pretty there! And they have telephone booths!!

- English Accents
- Meeting people our age there

- The music and the tiniest chance of meeting pete doherty

- the weather

- and all of the cheesy tourist attractions that I really want to see!

- the clooothes

- they have trains!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Charlie! and wine gums! And barf(bath) which is not london but we can take the train there or sumthin
- camden town!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010
VICTORIA: We are all just narrow minded fools

Hokay so, I am just gonna touch on the matter of the campfire and us surrounding it talking about serious stuff such as religion, narrow minded people (which all of us are), music, and the stuff about living today blah blah blah

So like i have no opinion really on the God factor. I mean its all so complicated and people are so passionate about it but i really don't have anything to say about it. I think its amazing that some people can be passionate about something, especially God, and sometimes i wish i could be as well.


Okay, so i know i said i'd chillax...but i'm in a rambling kind of mood so i just want to let go of one secret.
Monday, September 6, 2010
eden - blah.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
Those comics are hilarious. All of them. I'd know. I looked through all of them.
I got like... 5 pink floyd cds... so the song is comfortably numb by pink floyd. I also got a pink floyd record... it's pretty cool
Besides that, school starts tomorrow. I am not excited in the least. In fact I'm spending today doing the homework that's due tomorrow. Fun right? No. Not really.
1) Attempt to get all A's. And I mean ALL A's... no B's this year please...
2) Try not to fall asleep during math class....
3) Do homework when it's assigned or something... sick of doing homework last minute
That's pretty much it.
I pretty much have no comment about the discussions around the fire except that I'm an angry, sad, bitter, sarcastic, cynical, distrusting, depressed, negative, realistic person.
So optimism kind of pisses me off.
That is all.... I leave you on that lovely note *chuckles at sarcasm*
Saturday, September 4, 2010
r-GOOD BYE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!